Heron Maiden
Heron Maiden
SAGI MUSUME['Heron Maiden']*With English subtitlesStreaming period: from Nov 1 (Tue), 2022, 12:00 PM (JST) ※End date undecidedRental period: 7 days (available to watch for 7 days from your purchase date)“This is undoubtedly a ‘dream role’ for Bandō Tamasaburō V. Here he expresses the loveliness of the heron maiden, going beyond all language barriers.” [Kurier]“…And in Sagi Musume the exquisite Bandō Tamasaburō V is of an oriental Giselle and beautifully staged amid falling snowflakes.” [Daily Telegraph]INTRODUTION:From a white heron to a coquettish girl, to a woman seducing her lover and hellish betrayal, Heron Maiden is one of the most challenging pure dance roles in Kabuki Theatre. With 15 musicians on stage, and dramatic instant costume changes amid swirling snow, the popular Heron Maiden is only performed by a star Onnagata (male actors specializing in female roles). From his first bird-like steps to his expressive fingers, this is Tamasaburō’s signature piece.STORY:A woman dressed in a white kimono and hood appears at the edge of the lake. Her dance includes bird-like movements resembling those of a white heron. She expresses the misery of one whose love was betrayed. A sudden onstage costume change begins a section in which the character transforms into a young girl preoccupied by thoughts of romance. Other costume changes follow, as the maiden expresses the difficulty of capturing a loved one's heart. Finally, the stage darkens and after a spectacular costume change, the maiden transforms into the spirit of a heron as she recalls her suffering in hell.CAST :The spirit of a heronBandō Tamasaburō May, 2005Kabukiza TheatreKABUKI ON DEMAND How to watchhttps://www.kabukiweb.net/about/kabuki-ondemand/#register
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